Saturday, May 23, 2020

Choosing A Career Path And College Essay - 2021 Words

When I was five and my parents asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say things like, â€Å"I want to be a princess!† When I was 10 and asked the same question, I would respond with, â€Å"I’m going to be an astronaut!† When I was 15, my teachers started telling me it was important to start thinking about my future, and I would always tell them that I was going to become a lawyer. But when my senior year rolled around, I had to decide what to do with the rest of my life. I went over all my options and just could not figure out what I wanted to do. How does a 17-year-old decide on a career choice that they will be stuck with for the rest of their life? Choosing a career path and college was one of the most stressful moments of my life. Being a first-year college student has created many challenges, like financing my education, stress and anxiety, homesickness, but I have also learned how to manage my time and make my own decisions. Figuring out how to finance my college education has been one of the hardest challenges I have ever faced. Everyone tells you that college is an essential part of life, and without it, your life will be difficult. Unless your parents have been saving since before you were even thought of, or if you miraculously receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships, then you must pay to attend a university of higher education. Like most students, I did not receive any help to attend college, and I had to take out a hefty amount of loans.Show MoreRelatedChoosing a Course994 Words   |  4 PagesChoosing a college major for some is easy; some people know exactly what they want to be when they grow up. For others, choosing a college major is probably one of the hardest decisions they will make in their life. It doesn’t help that there are now a lot of college courses and college programs among which you have to choose. 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North Carolina universityRead MoreMy First Year At Dunbar Middle Magnet School1231 Words   |  5 Pagesmoments in life that assisted in me choosing my career path brings up many mixed emotions. The moment I chose the career path I wanted to go on is my first year at Dunbar Middle Magnet School, sixth grade to be exact. It was the first week of school and all the students in my class had to stand up and introduce ourselves and tell what we wanted to be in life. At that time in life, the option of being a princess was over and I had to begin to brainstorm what career will best suit me in life. My sixthRead MoreChoosing The Time Of My Life989 Words   |  4 Pagesand took college courses as a part-time student, while also balancing a waitressing job, as well high school courses. It was difficult at first, but hard-work, and determination helped me complete the year. In the midst of it all, I was filling out college applications. Choosing a college to attend was not an easy decision. I was accepted into two great schools, but due to issues in my former home, I could not allow myself to abandon my parents. Instead, I enrolled full-time at Cecil College, and atRead MoreWhere Are You Planning On Going For College?978 Words   |  4 Pagesplanning on going to college?† This is a question most will encounter when in their four years of high school in the United States of America. By the time high school students are seniors they are expected to know the college degree that will best suit their future career. Many of these students, not knowing the exact career they want to achieve, will pick a major to study in college that interests them. However, they generally have little to no experience in the career path they pursue, making it

Monday, May 18, 2020

Analysis Of The Article Land s End Capitalist...

Introduction Professor Tania Murray Li is a distinguished woman. She is a professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto’s downtown campus where she also serves as the director of the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, and the Canada Research Chair in the Political-Economy and Culture of Asia. The twenty years she spent in Indonesian island of Sulawesi afforded her rich material to write her book entitled â€Å"Land’s End: Capitalist Relations on an Indigenous Frontier†, which was published in 2014; an article in the Journal of Peasant Studies, among other things, entitled â€Å"Food Sovereignty: A Critical Dialogue†, and to give an interesting lecture at the University of Toronto Scarborough entitled â€Å"Capitalism from Above and Below†. The article explores how the Sulawesian people went from producing the food they needed to survive to planting cacao as a cash crop which they sold to survive (Li, 2014). After reading her article and listening to her lecture, I found that I had a greater appreciation and understanding for the production and availability of the food that I consume. With regards to geopolitics, a clear relationship exists between the Sulawesians and the rest of the world; however, that relationship needs improvement. The Sulawesians were regularly defrauded by other merchants, especially those in coastal merchants in trade, though they have nonetheless realized that they are members of the world community – members who are poor and who wishShow MoreRelatedRacism and Ethnic Discrimination44667 Words   |  179 PagesIN NICARAGUA Myrna Cunningham Kain With the collaboration of: Ariel Jacobson, Sofà ­a Manzanares, Eileen Mairena, Eilen Gà ³mez, Jefferson Sinclair Bush November 2006 Centro para la Autonomà ­a y Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indà ­genas Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Autonomy and Development Racism and Ethnic Discrimination in Nicaragua November 2006 Contents 1. 2. Introduction Structure of the study 2.1 Scope and methodology 4 7 7 3. Racism and individual and collectiveRead MoreA Critical Review of â€Å"the Ambiguities of Football, Politics, Culture, and Social Transformation in Latin America† by Tamir Bar-on.14147 Words   |  57 Pagesremotely close amounts of media attention, sponsors, fans, and salaries that the NBA (National Basketball Association) players get. Literature Review: Article 1: †¢ Title: â€Å"Toy for Boys? Women’s marginalization and Participation as Digital Gamers† by Garry Crawford and Victoria Gosling †¢ Connection to research problem: In this article, the authors suggest that women do not play video games (digital games) as much as men do and that this is mainly because the gaming industry views theRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesAbout the Contributors †¢ 343 _ IN TR OD UC TIO N Michael Adas B y any of the customary measures we deploy to demarcate historical epochs, the twentieth century does not appear to be a very coherent unit. The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the SovietRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesmanaging, organizing and reflecting on both formal and informal structures, and in this respect you will find this book timely, interesting and valuable. Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark McAuley et al.’s book is thought-provoking, witty and highly relevant for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from theRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesfollowing classification of cases by subject matter to be helpful. I thank those of you who made this and other suggestions. Classification of Cases by Major Marketing Topics Topics Most Relevant Cases Marketing Research and Consumer Analysis Coca-Cola, Disney, McDonald’s, Google, Starbucks Product Starbucks, Nike, Coke/Pepsi, McDonald’s, Maytag, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Newell Rubbermaid, DaimlerChrysler, Kmart/Sears, Harley-Davidson, Boeing/Airbus, Merck, Boston Beer, Firestone/Ford

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Great Triumvirate Clay, Webster, and Calhoun

The Great Triumvirate was the name given to three powerful legislators, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and John C. Calhoun, who dominated Capitol Hill from the War of 1812 until their deaths in the early 1850s. Each man represented a particular section of the nation. And each became the primary advocate for that regions most important interests. Therefore the interactions of Clay, Webster, and Calhoun over the course of decades embodied the regional conflicts which became central facts of American political life. Each man served, at various times, in the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. And Clay, Webster, and Calhoun each served as secretary of state, which in the early years of the United States was generally regarded as a stepping stone to the presidency. Yet each man was thwarted in attempts to become president. After decades of rivalries and alliances, the three men, while widely regarded as titans of the U.S. Senate, all played major parts in closely watched Capitol Hill debates that would help forge the Compromise of 1850. Their actions would effectively delay the Civil War for a decade, as it provided a temporary solution to the central issue of the times, slavery in America. Following that last great moment at the pinnacle of political life, the three men died between the spring of 1850 and the fall of 1852. Members of the Great Triumvirate The three men known as the Great Triumvirate: Henry Clay of Kentucky, represented the interests of the emerging West.  Clay first came to Washington to serve in the U.S. Senate in 1806, filling out an unexpired term, and returned to serve in the House of Representatives in 1811. His career was long and varied, and he was probably the most powerful American politician to never live in the White House.  Clay was known for his oratorical skills and also for his gambling nature, which he developed in card games in Kentucky.Daniel Webster of New Hampshire, and later Massachusetts, represented the interests of New England and the North in general.  Webster was first elected to Congress in 1813, after becoming known in New England for his eloquent opposition to the War of 1812.  Known as the greatest orator of his time, Webster was known as â€Å"Black Dan† for his dark hair and complexion as well as a grim side of his personality. He tended to advocate for federal policies that would help the industrializing North.John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, represented the interests of the South, and particularly the rights of southern slave owners.  Calhoun, a South Carolina native who had been educated at Yale, was first elected to Congress in 1811.  As the champion of the South, Calhoun instigated the Nullification Crisis with his advocacy of the concept that states did not have to follow federal laws. Generally depicted with a fierce look in his eyes, he was a fanatical defender of the slave-owning South, arguing for decades that slavery was legal under the Constitution and Americans from other regions had no right to denounce it or try to restrict it. Alliances and Rivalries The three men who would eventually be known as the Great Triumvirate would have first been together in the House of Representatives in the spring of 1813. But it was their opposition to the policies of President Andrew Jackson in the late 1820s and early 1830s that would have brought them into a loose alliance. Coming together in the Senate in 1832, they tended to oppose the Jackson administration. Yet the opposition could take different forms, and they tended to be more rivals than allies. In a personal sense, the three men were known to be cordial and respect each other. But they were not close friends. Public Acclaim for the Powerful Senators Following Jackson’s two terms in office, the stature of Clay, Webster, and Calhoun tended to rise as the presidents occupying the White House tended to be ineffectual (or at least appeared to be weak when compared to Jackson). And in the 1830s and 1840s the intellectual life of the nation tended to focus on public speaking as an art form. In an era when the American Lyceum Movement was becoming popular, and even people in small towns would gather to hear speeches, the Senate speeches of people like Clay, Webster, and Calhoun were regarded as notable public events. On days when Clay, Webster, or Calhoun was scheduled to speak in the Senate, crowds would gather to gain admission. And though their speeches could go on for hours, people paid close attention. Transcripts of their speeches would become widely read features in newspapers. In the spring of 1850, when the men spoke on the Compromise of 1850, that was certainly true. The speeches of Clay, and especially Webster’s famous â€Å"Seventh of March Speech,† were major events on Capitol Hill. The three men essentially had a very dramatic public finale in the Senate chamber in the spring of 1850.. Henry Clay had put forth a series of proposals for compromise between the slave and free states. His proposals were seen as favoring the North, and naturally John C. Calhoun objected. Calhoun was in failing health and sat in the Senate chamber, wrapped in a blanket as a stand-in read his speech for him. His text called for a rejection of Clays concessions to the North, and asserted that it would be best for the slave states to peacefully secede from the Union. Daniel Webster was offended by Calhouns suggestion, and in his speech on March 7, 1850, he famously began, I speak today for the preservation of the Union. Calhoun died on March 31,1850, only weeks after his speech concerning the Compromise of 1850 was read in the Senate. Henry Clay died two years later, on June 29, 1852. And Daniel Webster died later that year, on October 24, 1852.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effect of Technology on Organizations Essay examples

The Effect of Technology on Organizations Staying abreast to technology changes had been a primary focus of my job up until this past Monday. For nearly seven years I worked for a retailer selling Verizon Wireless phones and service plans. This past Monday, I made a career change and began working as a Home Mortgage Consultant for Wells Fargo. The focus of this paper will be on my experiences while working as a manager for Verizon Wireless. In August of 1999, I started my career with a company called Bell Atlantic that shortly thereafter became Verizon Wireless. At that time, Bell Atlantic was offering cellular service to customers utilizing two different types of networks. The first was analogue; the second was dual mode†¦show more content†¦This is because the SAR value may vary from call to call, depending on factors such as proximity to a cell site, the proximity of the phone to the body while in use, and the use of hands-free devices. As the nineties came to a close, so did the use of sole analogue technolo gy. Verizon Wireless discontinued the sale of analogue phones and introduced tri-mode phones. These new phones support both the 850 and 1900 MHz bands, and analog (AMPS) in the 850 band. In laymans terms, the phones are able to pick up signal from a larger variety of towers or sources. These phones are designed to give the best signal in any given area. Most recently, Verizon Wireless began introducing all-digital phones. These phones do not pick up analogue signals at all. The company has also begun upgrading their cellular network of towers and gradually eliminating those that emit analogue signals and replacing them with digital. Aside from the changing network technology, Verizon Wireless has also had to continually upgrade the equipment they offer adding new technology in response to customer demand. These technology upgrades began with size. In the beginning, cellular phones were very cumbersome. The bag phone was one of the first cellular phones for a good number of peopl e. The phone was analogue and was literally carried around in a bag. As technology changed and got smaller, they were able to introduce smaller phones and continue to do so. NewShow MoreRelatedChasing The Hottest It : Effects Of Information Technology On Organizations1656 Words   |  7 PagesA Critical Review of â€Å"Chasing the hottest IT: Effects of Information Technology Fashion on Organizations† Introduction In his article â€Å"Chasing the hottest IT: Effects of Information Technology Fashion on Organizations†, Paul Wang seeks to examine the effects that IT fashion has on organizations. 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The Chinese Culture Free Essays

The dictionary defines â€Å"culture† as â€Å"the behavior and beliefs characteristics of a  particular social, ethnic, or age group† China has about five thousand years history which is a very long period of time. Also, the Chinese civilization was growing with these periods of time and it will continues greater than ever. Many wars and unhappinesses were happening during this period. We will write a custom essay sample on The Chinese Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Chinese culture has many special characteristics which are very interesting for people to learn. The family life is very important for every Chinese. Chinese families are very close-knit. Children tend to stay with their parents even after they get married and have children of their own, so that you often see three or four generations living under the same roof. Each member of the family help each other when there is any problem The Chinese culture has many special characteristics which are  Ã‚  very interesting for   people to learn,  and delicious food to try. Some types of common Chinese food are rice, noodles, soup. The  Ã‚   Chinese people are known for their unusual eating method using â€Å"two chopsticks†. The  tradition of  chopsticks was introduced to many other countries in the world such as  Ã‚  Vietnam, North Korea, and  South Korea. As for many Asian families , Chinese people   eat dinner  all  together at one table, They try to put the meal in the centre of the table and other serving stuff informt of the people. If this is an official dinner with guests, all the places on the table can be   fulled with plates. If this a dinner with the family guys, only the minimum part of the table is used. Their most popular food is   white rice and they mostly like fish and sea foods. The people also like  eggs, fish, fruit, and shellfish.. Vegetables, especially  cabbage and Tofu rank second in Chinese diet. Roasted sweet potatoes are a popular snack Tea is the traditional Chinese beverage. Breakfast in China may be rice porridge, chicken noodle soup, or deep fried pastries that  taste like donuts. In China the people’s favorite lunch time foods include eggrolls, and  dumplings filled with meat or shrimps. A typical Chinese dinner includes vegetables with bits of meat or seafood, soup, and rice and noodles. In China most Chinese dishes are served in a boiling soup to keep the contents hot for longer, Chinese cuisine and culturel behaving can be   very very intresting chapter for us. That’s why people are trying to visit China and feel the difference of their cultures.. This is a very short time to summerize a very old culture in 1 hour but these Chinese different foods must have been tasted by everybody once in a life. That’s why Chinese restaurants are always crowded all over the World. How to cite The Chinese Culture, Papers

Strategic Management Analysis for ASOS

Question: Discuss about theStrategic Management Analysis for ASOS Plc. Answer: Mission, Vision and Stakeholders Mission and vision of ASOS Plc ASOS Plc is an online beauty and fashion store in United Kingdom and offers menswear, women wear, accessories, and footwear, jewelry and beauty products. Founded in 2000, ASOS is headquartered in Camden Town at Greater London House (Marques, 2015). The company sells more than 80000 own-brand products online and via mobile experiences. It aims at young adults and sells more than 850 brands and its own range of accessories and clothes. For the financial year 2015, the revenue of ASOS was 1,119.9 million and net assets of 237.3 million. The websites of ASOS is targeting different countries, like; USA, Australia, UK, Spain, Russia, Germany, Italy, Franca and China. In addition to this, the company delivers its products to more than 140 nations from distribution centers in the Europe, United States, China and United Kingdom (Jon, 2017). The mission statement of ASOS is to become the number one e-commerce shopping destination in the world for the people, who love and passionate about the fashion. To attain this, the company is a multi-platform and unique, which truly booms with the customers, who use the products, because it is created by them (Bhardwaj, and Fairhurst, 2010). The company is working to attain this mission by implementing effective marketing strategies. Under its vision statement, ASOS aims to become synonymous to the fashion for the people between the age group of 16 and 25 like; Facebook is for social media networking and Google is for making search. Moreover, its targets to provide best shopping experience to its potential customers in the expectations that they will get return each and every day (Cole, 2013). The above-stated statements will definitely assist the organization in attaining sustainable competitive advantage against it competitors. Under these statements, ASOS is aiming on providing most engaging shopping experience and expanding its business globally. The organization is available for twenty-somethings, wherever they are across the globe. In addition to this, this entity is providing highly effective and efficient retailing. For this, it is executing a faster supply chain for delivering the desired fashion at appropriate prices and on appropriate time. By doing this, it is attracting a maximum customer base inside and outside its home country. The customers will be satisfied with its great services, as they are getting their desired fashion products at their home. Thus, incorporation of these factors in mission and vision will assist ASOS in gaining sustainable competitive advantage (DesJardins, and McCall, 2014). Scenario and Industry Analysis Porters five forces analysis Porters five forces analysis is a tool of marketing that is conducted to analyze the trends and competition in the prospective industry. It includes five forces, which may impact the growth of company in that particular market. Porters five forces analysis for ASOS is stated below; Industry Rivalry In the fashion industry, there are so many competitors, which are posing intense competition on ASOS Plc. From these competitors, is the most popular online retail for fashion and apparel and Marks Spencer is on the top rank among multi-channel retailers in the world. It indicates that ASOS is operating its business in very competitive fashion industry (Eden, Ackermann, 2013). This competition takes the toll on long term productivity of this company. Apart from these above stated competitors, there are some other British fashion retailers, who offered cloths online, such as; Boohoo, Next, Net-a-Porter, Missguided, Topshop and My-wardrobe. These organizations are generation significant revenues and profits against ASOS Plc. Bargaining Power of Buyers In the fashion and clothing industry, the customers have increased demands. They generally prefer to purchase best products by paying minimum prices. This fact is putting pressure on the profitability of the players in the industry (Gordon, 2012). If the customer base of ASOS will be smaller and stronger, there will be higher bargaining power of buyers and their ability for seeking the offers and discounts will be comparatively higher. Bargaining Power of Suppliers All the firms in fashion industry can purchase there raw material from several suppliers. The leading suppliers can decrease the margins of ASOS that it can generate in the retail market. In the customers service sector, strong suppliers utilize their selling power to excerpt higher prices from the companies in fashion and retail industry. In the fashion industry, the bargaining power of suppliers is very high, thus it decreases the profitability of retail and clothing companies (Hill, Jones and Schilling, 2014). Threats of New Entrants Threat of new entrants in fashion industry is also high as the new entrants bring some new and innovative things, which put pressure on the existing companies including ASOS Plc. new companies are engaged in implementing cost effective strategy, reducing costs and offering innovative value proposition to people (Hollensen, 2015). Threats of Substitutes Clothing is one of the basic requirements of human life. It is the necessity, for which it is very hard to get any substitute to replace this. So, the threat of substitute in the industry is comparatively low. Substitution in the fashion and apparel industry is just competition. From the above industry analysis, it can be concluded that attractiveness of this industry is moderate. It can be seen that the company has some threats and some advantages as there is no substitute to the fashion and clothing. It is not much attractive as the buyers have higher indirect bargaining power with lots of leading competitors that make it hard to make a place in the fashion industry (Kunz, Karpova, Garner, 2016). Resources and Capabilities Value Chain Framework Primary Activities Inbound Logistics These are the activities, which are related to storing and distributing the raw materials that go under the process of manufacturing. ASOS has an effective supply chain process and established fulfillment and distribution center in different countries. Generally, it fulfills the orders from its automated picking warehouse. Now, it is planning to expand its warehousing operations. Operations ASOS is working for enhancing its operations and customer experience. It is planning to expand its warehouse operations in United States. The customers are able to opt for the home delivery or utilize the Pick-Up-Drop-Off network of its various store locations for collection of products. In addition, it is making huge investment in customer service. The delivery services of the company are very effective (Neville, 2013). Outbound Logistics ASOS offers a great shopping experience through online media. The company is continuously inventing in warehousing and distribution centers. The delivery system is different in different countries, like; the company offer next day delivery at a premium in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Belgium. It is offering the return facility, if the customers are not satisfied with the products. ASOS is emphasizing on merging the warehouse to create distribution and supply chain more effective and efficient. Marketing and Sales Marketing and sales assist in creating customer awareness and satisfying the customers for buying the products and services (Su, Tong, 2015). The company is interacting with the customers via social media, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, ASOS website, Instagram, Youtube and Fashion Up mobile app. This online experience has enhanced the customer engagement and increased its customer base. Service Services are the major activities, which are offered by the company and enhanced value of products and services. The company understood that it is very important to maintain the loyalty among customers. For this, it is important to provide quality services to customers, so company is enhancing its online retailing services. Supporting Activities Human Resource Management Human resource management at organization is very effective at ASOS. All the related departments are managed by allocating separate roles and responsibilities. It provides training to the people, who manage the apps and website and the people, who deliver the products to final customer. Infrastructure In addition, the company is making focus on expanding the infrastructure to support its profits and revenues. At the center of infrastructure is the Information Technology. Under infrastructure development, it focuses on HR, transportation, supply chain and some other divisions (Turker, and Altuntas, 2014). Technology ASOS emphasizes on the development of information technology. The company is using advanced technology for delivering the products to customers. The supply chain of the company is linked through information flow. It has developed digital presence all over the world. These activities are creating value to the customers. The company is creating the value by implementing these resources and capabilities effectively. Primarily, it is focusing on developing and upgrading the technology for providing great customer experience (Su, Tong, 2015). In the future, the company can implement some effective strategies for improving them. It should enhance its operation plan and execute marketing strategies. Business and Corporate Strategies In the global competitive environment, ASOS Plc. should implement some specific strategies to attain sustainable competitive advantage. The senior management in the organization should implement effective IT strategy, which will enable them in managing the information systems in a better way. It will reduce the costs and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the business operations (Zott, Amit and Massa, 2011). It will aid the back office operations, like; purchasing, placing an order, merchandizing and execution of the processes. In addition, the company should use low cost model for entering to the global market. For gaining sustainable competitive advantage, ASOS should understand the needs and preferences of the customers. They should understand the current trends in the market and updated fashion trends. Moreover, it should emphasize on the Customer Relationship Management via social networking sites, like; Facebook, Twitter etc. It will make the organization able in getting customer feedback about their products and services (Kotlar, Armstrong, 2012). Although, the company has 24 hours customer support that will offer ASOS the increased competitive advantage. In the global competitive market, ASOS should use effective market entry strategies, which will assist it in establishing its business operations in the new market. These strategies will help ASOS Plc. in getting over the global economic crisis and enhance its operations in other countries. References Bhardwaj, V. and Fairhurst, A., 2010. Fast fashion: response to changes in the fashion industry.The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research,20(1), pp.165-173. Cole, G.A., 2013, Strategic Management, Cengage Learning. DesJardins, J.R. and McCall, J.J., 2014.Contemporary issues in business ethics. 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Sunday, May 3, 2020

News in the Bay Area Essay Example For Students

News in the Bay Area Essay News, there are all types of news these days. There is good news where news casters talk about serious no nonsense stuff that concerns the economy, government, peoples safety, and just the significance of the story provided by a news broadcasting station. On the other hand there can be news that have no kind of purpose except for entertainment purposes. On my paper I will discuss and compare and contrast on 4 different stations in the San Francisco Bay Area. The stations that I choose to do my research on are CBS channel 5 news, FOX channel 2 news, NBC channel 4 news and ABC channel 7 news. I will rate each of the stations in my own personal rating system that I have constructed. The system of rating is:1: The station talks about events that can affect the government, economy, safety of people and politics. 2: The station should have national, local and international stories3: Talks about up to date events that can either have positive or negative affects on people. CBS Channel 5 newsThe CBS news at 10 is a not very well rounded news organisation. When I tuned in to watch this station, I was surprised to see that the new casters very little significant news to discuss .They had nothing important to say about the anything that was considered significance to the Bay Area. CBS talked spent a lot of time on sports and weather. It had little time on news that would affect anything. The only significant thing I saw in that whole hour was about a small fire by Marin County.The rest of the news cast was about small little things in selected areas of the Bay Area. For example they did surveys on what people think of President Clinton and the new casters kept on talking to each other about how their days was and all the rest of the nonsense news. They had very little to none about the economy and government. The whole news cast was a shocking 30% commercial, 10% sports related stories, 5% weather, 5% of informal exchanges and a very low 50% of news that w as not significant according to my rating system. This whole news cast lasted for an approximation of 23 minutes. The average number of stories per show was 4, average length of stories was an approximation of 40 seconds. The percentage of stories was based on 10% stories of crime, fire etc., 10% of national news coverage, 20% of state news and a 60% of local news. FOX Channel 2 News. The channel 2 news at 10 is a very interesting and informative news organisation.When I tune in to watch this news cast I found a very well and organised news cast. This news cast had plenty to say about the things happening around the Bay Area and some national and international news. For the Bay Area it talked about things happening in San Francisco, Sonoma, Caltrans, and the last Critical Mass San Francisco had. In national and international news coverage channel 2 talk about the recent Mexican drug bust at the border of the United States and Mexico. It talked about things that happened in Britain, Kentucky, and things concerning the NAZI party. This news cast is just a great mix of local, national and international news coverage. Channel 2 news also had a great mixture of government and economical news stories. The channel 2 news cast was 15% of commercials, 10% things relating to sports, 4% weather coverage, 1% of informal exchanges and a 70% of news content. The number of stories per show was around 4. The average amount of time on a story was an approx.1 minute and 10 seconds. The percentage of stories was based on 35% sex, fire and crime, 15% national news, 25% of State news and a 25% of local news. The total amount of minutes for this news cast is an approx. 26 minutes. .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 , .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 .postImageUrl , .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 , .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82:hover , .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82:visited , .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82:active { border:0!important; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82:active , .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82 .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u13e5a14ce7f7bcf53c0b8a6896218a82:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Trail Of Tears EssayNBC Channel 4 NewsNBC news at 10:30pm is an very serious and fun newscast to watch. In the news cast I saw a lot of news based on the Bay Area. NBC had many stories that concerned fire, sex and crime stories that happened in the Bay Area. NBC had few stories on national and international new though. NBC also had junk news that had nothing to do with anything too. They had a 1 minute story about a dog show, a 30 second thing on the movie G.I Jane and a story about some baby. NBC had a short time for sports and weather. The NBC also had a lot of informal exchanges towards one another during the news cast. NBC had little stories that had to do with eco nomy and government. NBC news cast consist of 15% of commercials, 10% of sports coverage, 5% of weather reports, 5% of informal exchanges and a 65% of news coverage in total. The number of stories in percentages were 15% sex, fire and crime, 25% of national news, 10% state news and a 50% of local news coverage.The amount of seconds spent on a story was an approx. of 50 seconds.The average number of shows per story was an approx. of 5 shows. This whole news cast lasted for a approx. of 25 minutes. ABC Channel 7 NewsABC news at 11 was is a very informative news cast. It almost of have an even margin of state, national and local news coverage. At ABC news they talk about events like the serial rapist in the Bay Area, the beef recall in the United States, the old UPS strike, the MIR space station, the death of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa and much more. So ABC do cover a lot of local, national and international stories. At ABC they are basically there for hit news stories because their weather and sports percentages are very low.They did stories that did effect economy, government, and personal safety. At ABC the percentage of commercials is 19%, sports percentage is 3%, weather percentage is also 3%, informal exchanges is a low 1% and the news content is 70%. The number of stories per show is 3, average length of a story is 45 seconds. The amount of sex and crime stories are 24%, national news is 28%, state news is 24% and local news coverage is another 24%. The total number of minutes for this new cast was approx. 24 minutes. ComparisonAs I compare these stations I found that ABC news was the only stations that covered the things I considered to being a good station. ABC was the station that covered all the subjects of local, regional, national and international news almost evenly. CBS on the other hand did not. There station did not cover many of the things in my rating system. FOX is a good station too. Compared to CBS, FOX is way better because of the quality of news they covered. If I compared FOX and ABC they would probably ending up almost evenly. NBC was completely differe nt form all the other stations (ABC, FOX, and CBS) they covered mostly local stories in the Bay Area. They covered stories that was only significant in the Bay Area. (All ideas are my own personal opinions)RATINGThrough the facts and data I have researched I will now rate the stations according to my system of rating. I would rate ABC the number 1 news station because of the spread of their news cast. They did not just focus on one thing, they focus on things that dealt with issues that would affect government, economy , and the personal safety of people. They also went in depth of the stories they had to offer.So though my system of rating I rate this station #1I would rate the FOX network number 2. I rate this station number two because it too did have stories that affect government, economy and the safety of others. I just rated this lower than ABC news because it did go in depth with the news cast as ABC did. If ABC news cast was not in this report I would have rated FOX news #1 , but since ABC is in this report I will rate FOX news #2. .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 , .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 .postImageUrl , .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 , .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647:hover , .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647:visited , .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647:active { border:0!important; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647:active , .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647 .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u376550b7c8a79dc104d15824cd812647:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Clear Message of The Bluest Eye Bluest Eye Ess EssayNBC news is a great source of news if you want to look for local news. I rate this news cast number 3 because NBC just dealt with mostly local news. Sure the news did affect people, government and economy but it was only the population and government in the Bay Area. It did have a little of national and international news, but unfortunately it was not enough.. So though those facts I would have to rate this station a number 3. CBS news, I do believe by seeing this news cast that it was the weakest news cast of the 4 other stations. It contained barely any good news of local and national news. The stories they had was of no quality. So through those opinions, facts and my rating system I rate this the lowest of the 4 stations, a number 4. ConclusionIn this project I have learn a lot from the TV news and the quality of news they provide. Some news they provide is good and other news are very bad. (Bad news is news that is based on human interest) I have found that local news stations base most of their stories on local stories. They spend a lot of time on local stories and little time in national and international stories. So in my conclusion I say local news is a very good place you can obtain local news for whatever purpose you need it for, but if you need stories on world news, look somewhere else. I also conclude that channel 7 ABC is the best local news station in the Bay Area.